
Metastatic colorectal cancer:

Real-world case on multidisciplinary approach within the latest ESMO recommendations

Thursday 25 May 2023

19:30 - 21:00

Expert panel

Prof. dr. Hans Prenen

Head of the Department Oncology, UZ Antwerp (moderator)

Dr. Léon van Kempen

Head of the Laboratory for Molecular Diagnostics, UZ Antwerp

Prof. dr. Francesco Sclafani

Head of Clinic Digestive Oncology, Jules Bordet Institute

Mr. Frédéric Maddalena

Head of Oncology Care Coordination, Cliniques Universitaires St. Luc

Prof. dr. Maria Garmyn

Head of the Department Dermatology, UZ Leuven

By means of an interactive case discussion, a multidisciplinary expert panel will provide insight into the updated ESMO guidelines on the management of metastatic colorectal cancer.

We kindly invite you to join the discussion!


R.E. n.v. Amgen Telecomlaan 5-7, 1831 Diegem - BEL-954-0223-80002 (v1.0) – creation date: 27 February 2023

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